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Without a doubt, even the adversaries of Randeep S. Grewal value his business smart. Few might be stunned if the CEO of Green Dragon shows up at some point on the Forbes magazine summary of greatly rich individuals. His association's present share offering on the London Stock Exchange's AIM, starting with a market capitalization of US$525 million, was a fantastic striking stroke, raising a few eyebrows. Green Dragon put more than 4.5 million shares, under 5 percent of the association's striking shares, to raise $25 million. Randeep Grewal kept the remaining 95.2 percent of Green Dragon for himself.
Upon the association's admission to the AIM feature Grewal remarked, "2007 assurances to be a state of premium year for CBM and its dedication to the Personal assistant agency Chinese imperativeness supply...This posting is a basic and advantageous achievement in our improvement driven system." The last time Grewal stooped to deal with the minor disturbances of the capital markets, he eventually acquired up each one of the shares of Greka Energy Corp, then trading on the NASDAQ. Shareholders loved him - he paid a 69 percent premium for their shares in 2003. Greka delisted from NASDAQ and deregistered with the U.S. Securities Commission.
Starting now and into the foreseeable future, it's been all the more difficult to track Grewal's latest accomplishments, however based upon the cost of oil, his selective fiefdom is likely flush with cash. In a 2002 news release, Grewal revealed the then-open Greka Energy guaranteed 800 million barrels of recoverable overpowering gravity oil, which is flawless as feedstock for his dark top refinery. That year Greka's throughput was 3400 barrels of dark top each day. According to ABC News, the state of California paid $359/ton for dark top - up 61 percent over the earlier year. High gas expenses are driving critical oil associations to press more fuel creation out of their grungy petroleum. In any event, Grewal essentially gets wealthier with each new barrel of dark top or foul petroleum his association produces.
At any rate Green Dragon Gas is directly exchanged on an open market, offering shareholder participation. However, few shares are open to individuals when all is said in done. Grewal may be liberal to shareholders by the day's end, yet he's not isolating with his shares this in front of calendar in the preoccupation. In his reporting verbalization with AIM, the association saw that issuing further shares to raise additional cash would come when in doubt, or more painstakingly communicated, "... as legitimate considering the current circumstance." Grewal would first swing to commitment financings and diverse measures before offering shareholders additional liquidity.

It is not an incident the share cost of GDG, which opened for trading at US$5.56/share quickly rose to a present high of $6.60/share. An adjacent examination of Grewal's last association clears up the high trust in Green Dragon Gas. Not to be confused for his as of now named Grewal Energy, which is at present called Greka Integrated, Green Dragon Gas is the parent association of Hong-Kong based Greka Energy. They hold five CBM era offering contracts to China's state-guaranteed CUCBM (China United Coalbed Methane Company). Green Dragon's understandings are upon immense tracts of land (more than twofold the measure of Rhode Island), which could possibly have 16.5 trillion cubic feet of methane gas.
As showed by the Green Dragon Gas site, Grewal is in like manner director and CEO of the California-based Greka Integrated, an association which is depicted as being "required in significant oil and gas transportation, refining, arrive and with interests in imperativeness properties and refining assets." It is Santa Barbara County' greatest inland oil association with belonging in Bakersfield, Orange County and the Los Angeles bowl, Greka works pretty much 70 beach front creation, get ready and transportation workplaces in Santa Barbara (California), and what's more the Santa Maria Asphalt Refinery. It is a comparable one which conveyed 3400 barrels of dark top every day in the midst of 2002.
While others talk a not too bad redirection, Grewal surpasses desires at the essentialness beguilement. In his last appropriated meeting which we could reveal (August 2001), Grewal elucidated absolutely how he needed to make Greka Energy a case of beating affliction, i.e. offering oil or using it thing dark top and a while later offer dark top, dependent upon the cost. Furthermore, after that he did. In a July 2002 news release, Grewal determined his association would have whole deal practices in China. Besides, it does - through Green Dragon Gas.
In clearing up the association's procedure for accomplishment, in the midst of his 2001 meeting, Grewal boldly gloated, "We're useful at $10 oil. We're advantageous at $30 oil. We're beneficial at $2 gas, and we're gainful at $16 gas." He called his dark top plant "a trademark support to fluctuating product costs." It moreover gives dependable pay. Besides, is presumably Grewal is constantly advantageous with grungy petroleum offering around $70/barrel.
Steve Chase, Santa Barbara County's delegate imperativeness official, who controls Greka's refinery (and has appreciated fining Greka - see underneath), calls the association's system for achievement "totally amazing." Chase commended Greka in a New Times day by day paper article, clearing up the association's budgetary matters, "Oil offers either high or low, however dark top doesn't. On the off chance that you're an oil association with a dark top refinery, you can offer into two unmistakable markets. Exactly when oil is low, you use it to make dark top. Exactly when it's high, you (just) offer it."
Notwithstanding Chase's praise, Grewal's road to accomplishment has not been without a couple car wrecks on the way. In 2002 and 2003, his association was refered to for more than 70 encroachment, which included oil spills and gas releases, according to the Santa Barbara News-Press day by day paper. The country's lead prosecutor recorded legitimate offense allegations against Greka after an impact near the dark top refinery hurt two masters. Greka settled for regular disciplines of $200,000.
In November 2005, Greka Integrated lost its break of-understanding case against a past prosperity manager, Gary Lowery. In June of this present year, the U.S. Regular Protection Agency fined the association $127,500 for "unapproved exchange of oil refinery wastewater into the workplace's implantation wells, slighting the administration Safe Drinking Water Act." This Greka has paid out about $700,000 in settlements since Grewal took the association private. Life's little burden end up being less hazardous when one is putting forth oil for fundamentally more than $30/barrel. Especially when this same oil was profitable at $10/barrel.