botox singapore
Botox (Botulinum toxin type A) has been employed for over 15 years in the surgery treatment industry as a favorite treatment for facial wrinkles. It derives from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which may be harmful when contained in high doses and could be the toxin that creates food poisoning. However, small dilute quantities can be injected safely underneath the skin to act as a muscle relaxant.
How does it work?
Botox is employed to take care of lines and creases by injecting small amounts in to the facial muscles. Normally, chemicals released by nerve cells in the facial skin cause the muscles to tighten, leading to frown lines. Botox blocks these chemical signals causing a slight weakening of the muscle contraction and a smoothing of the skin's appearance. Contrary to popular belief, skillfully applied Botox doesn't paralyze the facial muscles completely, just relaxes and reduces their response.
So what can Botox do for me personally?
botox singapore treatment can reduce the look of frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crows feet round the eyes. It can also be used to take care of creases round the mouth. When performed properly it should have a gentle relaxing effect while still allowing natural expressions like smiling and frowning. Botox treatment will not reduce lines brought on by sun damage and might not be fully effective on very deep creases.

Could it be safe?
A program of Botox injections is just a well established and recognized treatment that is regarded as being safe when carried out with a qualified practitioner. You will find, however, some groups of people who shouldn't use Botox. These generally include pregnant and breastfeeding women and anyone suffering from a disease that affects the nerves or muscles. Certain medicines can react with Botox and you ought to consult your doctor if you are taking antibiotics or drugs to regulate heartbeat irregularities, Alzheimer's disease or myasthenia gravis (a chronic autoimmune disorder). If you're considered to be allergic to some of the ingredients in Botox or if the location to be treated is infected, you ought not have the treatment.
What goes on during treatment?
First the surgeon will discuss your medical history and assess which areas of that person to treat. Some small injections will then be directed straight in to the facial muscles employing a fine needle. You will not need an anesthetic while the injections cause hardly any pain. The complete procedure must certanly be completed within a matter of minutes.
How fast will I recover?
The moment the procedure is completed, you will be able to return to normal activities. Some patients report a slight headache but this would soon pass. Sometimes you is going to be advised to not lay down for 3 or 4 hours after the procedure as this can encourage the Botox to spread to other areas of the face. You should not rub the treated area for the exact same reason. Botox usually takes 3 to 7 days to take full effect, after which time visible improvement in creases must certanly be noticeable. Your normal facial expressions should nevertheless be present. The beneficial effects of Botox usually last for 3 to 6 months.
Exist any side effects?
Side effects of Botox treatment are often mild. Some patients experience a slight headache for the first 24 hours after injections to the forehead area, especially after their first treatment. Mild bruising of the injected area may also occur. In very rare cases, excess Botox could cause droopy eyelids, a condition called ptosis. This is unlikely that occurs when the procedure is carried out by an experienced cosmetic surgeon and will gradually correct itself while the Botox wears off. If you do experience drooping eyelids, you ought to tell your consultant.
Although very unlikely, a tiny percentage of patients may suffer a severe adverse a reaction to Botox. You ought to seek medical help immediately if you feel difficulty in swallowing and breathing or develop a rash.